* @package dcbase
* @copyright (c) 2019 Direct Connect Network Foundation / www.dcbase.org
* @license https://www.dcbase.org/DCBase/LICENSE GNU General Public License v2
{% extends '@template/bootstrap_base.html.twig' %}
{% import '@template/macros.twig' as util %}
{% set page_subtitle = 'By-laws' %}
{% set git_info = git_info('markdown/bylaws/2020.md', false) %} {# For this page get git information only about the by-laws themself and suppress author information #}
{% block content -%}
<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="lead">
{% markdown %}
## By-laws
These are the current by-laws, effective as of February 2020, of the Direct Connect Network Foundation.
All previous versions of the bylaws are available [here]({{ make_url('/markdown/bylaws/') }}) by year.
{% endmarkdown %}
<div class="pagebreak"> </div>
<div class="row marketing">
<div class="col-lg-12">
{% markdown 'markdown/bylaws/2020.md' %}
{% endblock %}